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第25回 おおきな笑顔 [English below]


[English below]






日本語には、「目を細める」「笑うと目がなくなる」「あの人は目が笑っていない」という表現があります。激しく怒られるときには「大目玉を食らう」...日本人は、目から表情を感じ取り、目を見て相手が笑顔かどうかを判断する傾向があるようです。一方、英語には、"She has a big/huge smile"という定番表現があります。ここでbig(大きい)だったり、huge(特大)だったりするのは、実は口のこと。そう、英語圏では、口元を見て相手の笑顔を感じ取るのです。



Picture 1: "Kaomoji" Japanese Emoticons



Picture 2: Smiley Face and Other Emoticons in English speaking world


1998年。イギリス留学時代。学生寮でふとすれ違った子と目が合ったのでにこっと挨拶すると、「あなたシナコでしょ?友だちになりたいって思ってたの!よろしくね!」と声を掛けてもらったことがありました。驚いて「どうして私がシナコだってわかったの?」と訊ねると、「4階に日本人の子が住んでいて、こーーーんなおおきな笑顔の子だって聞いてたからよ!」その時に、英語で「おおきな笑顔 (a Big Smile)」というのは、お顔の下半分を口のようにしてにこっと笑うことだと教えてもらったのでした。





ゼミの卒業生が描いてくれた私の似顔絵です。目も口も笑っています。 (イラスト:森悠歩さん)

Picture 3: My portrait drawn by my ex-student Yuho Mori: I smile both with my eyes and mouth!


Message of the Week

Hi! I'm Shinako Imaizumi, professor of Linguistics at Ehime University. Very much inspired by Ryuta's beautiful smile (of our Members' Blog #24), I'd love to talk about "smile" today.

 As you may know very well, most Japanese people do not feel very much irritated when we are required to wear face masks; it's partly due to we are used to it. On the other hand, people in English-speaking world and many others around the world seem to feel it VERY uncomfortable to cover their mouths with face masks. Where does this difference come from?

 I think we can safely assume that the way we recognize smiley faces is different from each other: while Japanese people tend to focus on the shape of eyes, people in English-speaking world pay attention to that of mouths. Our idiomatic phrases well reflect this fact: in Japanese we often say "squinting one's eyes", which means "looking at something fondly with smile". We also say "My eyes disappear into squints when I smile", or "His/her smile is not genuine, because he/she does not smile his/her eyes" . On the other hand, in English, they have a phrase like "have a big/huge smile", where the adjective "big" describes one's month. You can also see this difference in our emoticons (see Picture 1 and 2 above). Thus, covering one's mouths with face masks makes it very difficult for the people in English-speaking world to recognize people's facial expressions, especially, their smiles, and that's why they find it so uncomfortable to keep on wearing masks.

 Lastly let me talk about what I experienced when I was studying in the UK as a graduate student: one day, I happened to smile at one female student when we passed each other at the entrance of our hall of residence. Suddenly she said "Hey, you are Shinako, right? I've been wishing to become friends with you!" Very much surprised, I asked "Why did you know that I'm Shinako?" "Oh, my friend told me about You! She said she had become friends with the Japanese girl with a big smile on the 4th floor!" What a pleasant surprise! And it was the moment when I first learned that the adjective "big" in the phrase "big smile" descries the shape of mouth.

 All through my days in the UK, many people kindly told me that I had a lovely big smile, which stays in my mind as one of my happiest memories. I myself was encouraged and even saved by numerous smiley faces while I was in England, and I realized the magical power of smile. So I am trying to smile both with my eyes and with my mouth even when I cover my face with mask. I wish my "big smile" hidden under the mask might "double" the power of a smiley face!

 Wishing tomorrow will bring you a bunch of big smiles! with my huge love and smile, always,

-- Shinako Imaizumi (12, June 2021)



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