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第27回 舞台と映像(再掲*)[English below]


[English below] (*一部の端末にて非表示の不具合が生じたため、再掲させていただきました。)

(*Since the page was not properly displayed at some device, we have reposted the story #27 here)

心にも身体にも響き渡る 太鼓の音

目を奪われる たおやかな舞踏

言霊を感じる 荘厳な祝詞

優しく 時には猛々しく響き渡る笛の音










株式会社CACTUS(カクタス)代表取締役 神野匡崇(じんの まさたか)です。














舞台では大変な場面転換が、映像なら切り替え一つで簡単に出来る。 物語の流れを切ることなくスマートに観て頂ける。 其々の演者が其々の場所で表現している「遠隔ご奉納上演」を観てそう思ったのです。











Message of the Week

The sound of Taiko that echoes through your body and mind

The dance of grace that attracts your heart and never let it go

The solemnity of norito prayer that makes you feel there exists a soul in words

The sound of bamboo flute that echoes sometimes gentle and sometimes soul-stirring

In order to feel ALL of these, you must put yourself on the spot, where you can feel breathing and every single movement of actors/players.

Nevertheless, the pandemic of Covid-19 has forced us to put on our performances without audience. In such difficult times, what can we do as professionals of filming industry? Asking this question to myself again and again, I took part in Live Streaming of "DAWNING." without audience last year. I'm Masataka Jinno, representative director of CACTUS Ltd.

When I first met Kazunari Abe about ten years ago, I was working for the film production company, my previous job, and in charge of Live Broadcast Programmes of CATV. Kazunari joined this programme as a guest. As I am also a player of Japanese traditional musical instrument, very immature though, I talked to Kazunari and was fascinated by his personality; in particular, I was impressed by the gap between the gentle and friendly way he talks and the solemn and dignified atmosphere that he has once he starts playing on the stage, which, I thought, was definitely one of his numerous charms.

Since then, I have often heard of his various activities, which was really encouraging. So I was so glad when he asked me of live streaming of his "DAWNING." project. Actually I received his text message at 18.18 on 28th, August in 2020. You can see four "8"s, right? In Japanese tradition, the number "8" is a symbol of good fortune, because Kanji character of "8" is "八", which looks like two ways spreading out and we regard this as symbolizing our promising future!

What Kazunari asked me was filming of his stage production.

Stage and Video: how can I bridge these two? When we enjoy stage performance at theatre, we can see ”everything” that is going on: we enjoy the sound not only as auditory but rather as holistic sensation through our body and soul. On the other hand, when it comes to videos, we can close up the particular parts of what is going on on the stage and let the audience enjoy the images which human eyes can never see.

As I was thinking about these things in my mind, I watched the video of the original "Dawning." performance, in which each performer plays his/her role in different places. It was compiled online, and "remotely" dedicated to Ishizuchi Shrine. It was indeed an inspiration! On the stage, change of scenes is a great deal, but in video, we can do that almost instantly by a single switchover. By filming the stage performance, we make it possible for the audience to enjoy the flow of story almost seamlessly!

Once I got this idea, everything went so smoothly: we managed to find the most suitable venue, to collect the necessary equipment as well as excellent crews. It was exactly what the lucky number "8" predicted.

Live Streaming of "Dawning." was thus completed with numerous discussions and great team of performers, director and crews.

Thank you, Kazunari and wonderful team!

Thank you all that concerned with this project!

Thank you all viewers of our Live Streaming!

I love you all!

-- Masataka Jinno (2, August 2021)



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